Everyone wants to visit the world, especially the beautiful places in the world. There are lot's of places to visit. Every Countries in the world has it's beautiful landscapes and breathtaking places. Today i will show you the "World's Beautiful Countries List 2014"

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Italy Image

About Italy:

Italy, official Name is Italian Republic also known as (Repubblica Italliana). Italy located in Southern Europe, the system of Italian Parliament is "Unitary Parliamentry Republic". There are some area of Italy on the island, the island is Pantelleria. The official language of Italy is Italian. the current President of italy is Giorgio Napolitano and the Prime Minister is Enrico Letta. The Republic of Italy is found on the 2 June 1946. Rome is the Capital city of Italy and it's also the largest city of Italy.


Spain Image

About Spain:

Spain (Espana), Officially Kingdom of Spain. The Capital City is Madrid and the it's also the largest city as well. The Official Language is Spanish. There are two Governments in the Spain 1 is King  and the second is Prime Mister king's name Juan Carlos 1 and the Prime Mister's name Mariano Rajov. The Population of Spain is 46,704,314 and the Area is 505,992 Km and the Currency is Euro.


France Image

About France:

France, Officially French Republic located in Europe. The Motto is "Liberty, Equility, fraternity". The Capital city is Paris a lovers point and it's the largest city also. The President is Francois Hollande and the Prime Mister is Jean-Marc. the current constitute of France was found on 4 October 1958. The population of France is 65.950.000 and the Area is 640,679 Km. A modern country of Visit.


Australia Image

About Australia:

Australia, Officially Commonwealth Australia. The Capital is Canberra and the largest city is Sydney. The Nation language is English (De facto) there is no Official language. The Monarch of Australia is Elizabeth II, Current Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The total area of Australia is 7,692,024 Km and the Currency is Australian Dollar. Roman Catholics are in majority in Australia.


Greece Image

About Greece:

Greece, Officially the Hellenic Republic, in ancient times was also known as Hellas. The Capital city of Greece is Athens and it's also largest city. Official Language is Greek. The Government is Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Republic, Current President is Karolos Papoulias and Prime Minister is Antonis Samaras. The Population of Greece in 2011 is 10,815,197. Currency is Euro. Santorini is beautiful place of Greece.


Portugal Image

About Portugal: 

Portugal, Officially Portuguese Republic. Lisbon is the Capital of Portugal. Official Language Portuguese. The Government is Unitary semi-presidential, Current President is Anibal Cavaco Silva and the Prime Minister is Pedro Passos Coelho. Total Area of Portugal is 92,212 Km and Population is 10,487,289. Currency Euro. A Beautiful lake named Sete Cidades as Tourist attraction of Portugal.

7 | USA

USA Image

About USA:

United States of America (USA) commonly known as (US), One of the Powerful country in the World. The Capital of US is Washington D.C and the Largest city is New York City. US Government system is Federal Presidential Representative, Current President is Barack Obama and Vice President is Joe Biden. In 2013 the Population of USA is 317,480,000. Currency of US is the most powerful counties in the world Dollar. A modern place of Tourist.


Brazil Image

About Brazil:

Brazil, Officially Federative Republic of Brazil, the largest city in South America. The Capital of Brazil is Brasilia and the largest city is Sao Paulo. Brazil's Official Language is Portuguese. The Government is Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic, Current President is Dilma Rousseff and Vice President is Michel Temer. Population of Brazil in 2013 is 201,032,714. Brazil Currency is Real.


South Africa Image

About South Africa:

South Africa also known as Republic of South Africa. South. The Capital of South Africa is Cape Town (Legislative) and the largest city is Johannesburg. There are 11 official languages. The population of South Africa is 52,981,991 and the Area is 1,221,037 Km. West Cost Western Park one of the beautiful park in the world, it's a wildlife park. Currency of South Africa is Rand.


Germany Image

About Germany:

Germany is the 10th Beautiful Country in the world. Germany, Officially Federal Republic of Germany. There are 16 states in Germany capital is Berlin and it's also largest city of Germany. Official language is German. Population is 80,858,700 and the Area is 357,021 Km. Currency is Euro.

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  1. I have seen that there are certain locations that appear on the list of world's most beautiful places on a regular basis, I wish to visit all of them.
    most beautiful countries in the world

